Saturday, July 12, 2008

The ten words

So, one has to be a person like thing, and at least two have to be objects of some description. Awesome.

I was going to use random stuff on my desk, and I've decided who the person is going to be
  1. Josh - because "Josh is hot" (how could I let that pass?)
  2. Soothers
  3. A BluStik (you know the ones)
  4. A green water bottle
  5. A chemistry textbook
  6. A digital camera
  7. An iPod
  8. A laptop
  9. A window to a magical land
  10. A bookshelf.
And now it's time for dinner, so I have to go. Have fun Amy!

The Next Task

Seeing as the last task was... er... not well planned, we decided to use the talents that we each posses to come up with something better.
Leahs talents -
writing, knowing random nerdy crap, remembering peoples birthdays, looking for stuff on the internet and she can actually sing

Amy's tallents -
drawing, coming up with random ideas which don't seem to work but sounds good, creating shtuff, adding letters inapropiately to words to make them more exciting.

first part; amy writes up task

second part; leah writes down 10 words.
atleast 1 has to be a person like thing
atleast 2 have to be an object of some description

third part; amy draws up a picture using all the words that leah has chosen

fourth part; ... we'll get to that when we think of it