Monday, March 17, 2008

T 1 P 3

I shall pretty much be away during easter weekend. Ie till Tuesday.
And yes, opening the story with grass is fine, however it would be cool to end it with as well... some how. Be warned - I have a tendancy to write short stories with open endings where nothing actually happens except the obvious.
ok -

I turned my face to my phone lying besides me, still grasped in my hand. I don't want to look at it it, as soon as I flip it open I'll have a full inbox to anwer to. Full of lies, like "Don't worry, it's not all that bad" and fake empathy; "I know how it feels", and hidden judgments "There was nothing you could have done".
But the time tempted me. I wasn't waiting for anything to happen, just the knowlege that a few moments have past that will not have to be lived again, and the knowlege that time has not stopped because of me.
I flip it open.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Task 1 Part 2

Before I get to the actual blog part of it, Amy, I'm going to be away from the 21st to the 31st without internet. When will you be away?
My green thing is grass - I know, it's boring, but I have an idea sort of. Does the story have to be ABOUT grass, or can I use it to start the story?

As I lay there in the grass, which was particularly green for a summer's day in Australia, I couldn't help but feel that the beautiful weather didn't reflect the way I was feeling. How can the grass be this green when the news was so depressing?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Task 1

Each week, spare, yarda we will take turns in writing a story. Task number 1 - find a topic! The topic must be green. Your mission, my dear Leah friend, is to find a green topic. It can be ANYTHING, as long as it's green.
For example, you find an apple, and we make a story about... cooking? I think you somewhat get the idea.
(and I've been to your house MANY times, I'd be shocked if you can't find something green).
Either you or me shall write the first introductory paragraph.

Have fun finding a topic!